STRATO: How to fix Error 500 despite stable system?

Unfortunately, errors do not always necessarily arise from the WordPress system itself, a not easy solution is when the server causes a problem. The hoster Strato offers for its PHP selection, for example, a kind of boost function. When enabled, this can lead to an occasional Error 500 message when trying to edit a page […]

IONOS: How to remove IONOS ads on empty domains?

If you register a domain with IONOS and do not use it directly, SEDO ads are displayed on the corresponding empty domain by default. Fortunately, this can be fixed. Solution: In the IONOS customer backend, click on “Domains and SSL” > at the bottom right on “Quick Access”, then select the item “Domain Parking”. There […]

Database: How to fix the Unknown collation 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci error?

When moving databases to other servers, in some cases errors can occur when importing the database. This is often due to outdated software, in this case the MySQL version is on an older version. Solution: In some cases the SQL file to be imported can be edited with an editor. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci; ersetzen […]

Database: How to upload large SQL files despite file limitation?

From time to time database files appear that can be several hundred MB in size. Trying to upload them through phpMyAdmin can cause problems due to the file size limitation. Solution: With the tool “SQL Dump Splitter” the database can be splitted into small manageable files. With the php script “Big Dump” which you put […]

Database: How to find and replace database entries?

Occasionally it can be important to edit database entries directly in it. To find a specific record and replace it, the following SQL statement is possible: UPDATE tabellenName SET tabellenWert = replace(tabellenWert,”alterEintrag”,”neuerEintrag”);

How to fix mixed content errors after SSL migration?

An SSL certificate has been successfully deposited on the website, but the website is still considered insecure. This is usually due to mixed content, i.e. a mixture of secure and insecure content. Solution: In general, change all existing links from http to https. However, if the faulty link cannot be found, the use of Google […]

How to increase the memory limit?

With some hosters the increase of the memory limit is possible only by php.ini file. To do this, create an empty file with an editor and add the following line. memory_limit = 256M In WordPress, this file must be located in the wp-admin folder, for example, so that it can be used actively.

.htaccess: How to create a redirect with spaces in the filename?

If a link was accidentally published with spaces, the user will not be able to open it. Here, a redirect from the incorrect domain can be useful. Redirect 301 “/pfadmit leerzeichen.php” Alternative, if the upper variant does not work on the server: Redirect 301 /pfadmit[\s]leerzeichen.php

.htaccess: How to redirect all subpages to a maintenance page?

If a website that is already indexed in search engines is revised or generally shut down for the time being, it may make sense to redirect all previous pages to a start page or maintenance page. By adjusting the .htaccess file in the main directory of the website, this is quite easy. From an SEO […]