It is certainly not an everyday question, but an additional column in the media library for the file size in the list view can be a great help to find files that are too large so that they can be optimized afterwards.
add_filter('manage_upload_columns', 'bp_add_column_file_size'); add_action('manage_media_custom_column', 'bp_column_file_size', 10, 2); add_action('admin_head', 'bp_add_media_styles'); // Create the column function bp_add_column_file_size($columns) { $columns['bpFilesize'] = __('File Size'); return $columns; } // Display the file size function bp_column_file_size($column_name, $media_item) { if ('bpFilesize' != $column_name || !wp_attachment_is_image($media_item)) { return; } $bpFilesize = filesize(get_attached_file($media_item)); $bpFilesize = size_format($bpFilesize, 2); echo $bpFilesize; } // Format the column width with CSS function bp_add_media_styles() { echo '<style>.column-bpFilesize {width: 60px;}</style>'; }